Side missions (gravity rush 2)


Maid DLC Pack

Icon Name Description Trophy Type
In Service Obtained the Maid Costume. Bronze
The Diary of a Maid Completed The Diary of a Maid. Bronze
The Madam and the Shifter Completed The Madam and the Shifter. Bronze
Rooftop Walker Earned a silver medal or better in Auldnoir Free Race II. Bronze
Rooftop Runner Earned a gold medal in Auldnoir Free Race II. Silver
Unlimited Shifter Earned a silver medal or better in the Rift Plane Unlimited Power Attack. Bronze
Maximum Shifter Earned a gold medal in the Rift Plane Unlimited Power Attack. Silver
Head of the Household Cleared every mission and challenge mission in the Maid Pack. Silver


Characters in the Gravity Rush series
Gravity Rush Adreaux · Alias · Aki · Aujean · Bolsey · Bulbosa · Chaz · Cyanea· D’nelica · Echo · Eugie · Gade · Kat · Melda · Nala · Newt · Pandora · Permet · Raven · Sacyha · Singlor · Syd · Yunica · Yuri Gerneaux · Zaza
Another Story — Raven’s Choice Bit · Cyanea · Dr. Brahman · Gade · Kat · Lumino · Raven · Sacyha· Tenebria · Zaza
Gravity Rush 2 Adreaux · Alias · Aki · Aula · Aujean · Bit · Bulbosa · Cai · Cecie · Chaz · Cyanea· D’nelica · Dr. Brahman · Durga Angel · Echo · Eugie · Fi · Gade · Gawan · Kali Angel · Kat · Lisa· Misai · Newt · Pandora · Permet · Raven · Sacyha · Syd · The Other · Vogo · Xicero · Yunica · Yuri Gerneaux


Characters in the Gravity Rush series
Gravity Rush Adreaux · Alias · Aki · Aujean · Bolsey · Bulbosa · Chaz · Cyanea· D’nelica · Echo · Eugie · Gade · Kat · Melda · Nala · Newt · Pandora · Permet · Raven · Sacyha · Singlor · Syd · Yunica · Yuri Gerneaux · Zaza
Another Story — Raven’s Choice Bit · Cyanea · Dr. Brahman · Gade · Kat · Lumino · Raven · Sacyha· Tenebria · Zaza
Gravity Rush 2 Adreaux · Alias · Aki · Aula · Aujean · Bit · Bulbosa · Cai · Cecie · Chaz · Cyanea· D’nelica · Dr. Brahman · Durga Angel · Echo · Eugie · Fi · Gade · Gawan · Kali Angel · Kat · Lisa· Misai · Newt · Pandora · Permet · Raven · Sacyha · Syd · The Other · Vogo · Xicero · Yunica · Yuri Gerneaux

History Edit

Before Gravity Rush 2Edit

Cecie first arrived in the Banga Settlement after coming through a Gravity Storm. She was later adopted by Lisa and started working as the settlement’s herder.

Gravity Rush 2Edit

Cecie works as a herder within Banga. She takes a liking towards Kat, admiring her positive outlook. She reveals to have looked after Dusty while he and Kat were separated when she ran off just before a Gravity Storm. When Banga docks in Jirga Para Lhao, Cecie is often found in the marketplace, in one case looking for a gift for Lisa.

Eventually, she, along with Lisa, Syd, and some other Banga residents, are taken prisoner by the Council, and it is up to Kat and Raven to break them out. She is later seen being held captive inside the engine powering Neu Hiraleon. Kat saves her, but Raven discovers crystals covering parts of Cecie’s face, and then her and Raven get sucked into a rift to an unknown place.

Later, as Kat is fighting Kali Angel, Raven and Cecie show up through a wormhole that brought them to Hekseville, but some time afterwards, she comes to Kali’s aid (during Kat’s second fight with her) and suddenly undergoes a transformation into Durga Angel, due to being a compatible vessel. As Dr. Brahman’s plans to freeze time is carried out, she recognizes Kat and becomes conflicted over whose side she’s on. It is only after Lisa’s voice reaches her that she regains her senses. After Kali is defeated, Cecie is carried away in Lisa’s arms, visibly exhausted.

Cecie shows up one last time during the battle against the Destructive Force to assist Kat as a declaration of her loyalty by transforming into her Durga persona, now having mastered it. She crystallizes the Destructive Force long enough for Kat to seemingly finish it off, but the creature breaks free and violently swats Durga/Cecie away, seemingly killing her.

A year later, she is revealed to have survived the encounter with the Destructive Force. Lisa now leaves Cecie in charge of Banga while she goes away for important business. Raven and Lisa both comment on how wonderful of a job she has done in that time frame.

Trivia Edit

  • It has been speculated that Xii’s name comes from the Roman numeral XII (twelve), which in turn could be a reference to the Hanged Man card found in the Major Arcana of most Tarot decks. The Hanged Man is frequently associated with self-sacrifice and acceptance. The card has also sometimes been used to depict the Norse god Odin, who hung himself from a tree in order to gain knowledge, and who kept two ravens as companions.
  • Despite being one of the first characters introduced in the series, Xii’s name was never revealed until Gravity Rush 2’s story DLC; essentially, it was nameless for five whole years.

Properties Edit

Despite its grand appearance, the World Pillar is very much hollow. Within the Pillar, there are zones where gravity is altered, stripping Kat and Raven of their ability to shift gravity (or, as in Gravity Rush 2, a large portion thereof). The insides of the Pillar’s lower half are vaguely skeletal in design, with white branches spanning the diameter and rib-like structures lining the lowest reaches, and trunks that resemble spinal cords. Small floating islets are dotted around the pillar below Hekseville; a lot of these resemble human teeth, roots and all. Above Hekseville, the insides of the Pillar take on a more plant-like appearance, with trunk-like inner walls and floating structures that resemble germinating seeds.

In Gravity Rush, if Kat ventures too close to the Pillar, she is teleported back to land by Dusty. However, in Episode 12, she can climb up the Pillar’s outer surface for a good distance before being teleported back. In Gravity Rush 2, Kat can freely stand on the outside of the Pillar at any time; however, the height limit still remains, outside of the story mission «The End of the World».

The pillar possesses a time dilation effect: the further up the pillar one goes, the faster time travels. Towards the base, time flows much slower.


Before Gravity Rush Edit

When Queen Alua fell from Eto, her guardian, in the form of a cat, appeared and saved her from the fall. He is all she sees when she eventually wakes up.

Gravity Rush Edit

A black cat watches Kat awaken in the slum area of a yet unnamed town. She tells it to go away, but instead follows her around until they witness a boy being dragged into a gravity storm. After helping Kat rescue the boy (named Eugie) by giving her gravity shifting powers, she decides to give him the name Dusty. He soon ran off after spotting a crow. Later on when he runs off again, he leads Kat into a strange plane devoid of life and colour; it becomes clear at this point that Dusty is the source of Kat’s powers, thus she cannot afford to lose him.

As Kat leaves to find the missing part of Endestria, the city’s factory district, Dusty nibbles on what appear to be cookies, but they were actually «Nevidelic», a pesticide of sorts that kills any Nevi that consumes it. The poisonous treats severely weaken Dusty, and thus Kat’s ability to shift gravity as she explores the Mirage Plane for the lost piece of the town. By the time she recovers it, Dusty vomits up the Nevi killer and his powers return to normal. Much later in a dream Kat has, Dusty is split into 20 copies which Kat must retrieve to fight the panther that Alias had created. When she is jolted from her sleep, Dusty crawls out from under her bed cover.

Dusty is later captured by the military to prevent Kat from fleeing or resisting when they soon try to capture her. He is saved by Cyanea, and soon transforms Kat into a panther to deliver the final coup de grace to the Sea Anemone and save Hekseville from impending doom.

Another Story: The Ark of Time — Raven’s Choice Edit

When Raven returns from the Labyrinth and finds the whole town in a frozen time state, Dusty leads her to Kat in front of one of the Loop Stations. His most important role in the story is when he merges with Xii to help Raven defeat the giant Collector.

Gravity Rush 2Edit

Dusty is nowhere to be seen in the opening episodes of Gravity Rush 2, leaving Kat to work the mines in pressurised suit. When a gravity storm hits Banga, Dusty finally reappears before Kat after she chases after Cecie, who had secretly been looking after him when he, along with Kat and Syd, first arrived through a gravity storm. From there, he accompanies Kat throughout the whole story.

When Kat makes it to Eto, he is caged up with Xii, and kept in an icy chamber where Raven imprisoned. During the fight against the Darkness, Dusty’s remaining power is drained, causing him to disappear along with Kat’s remaining powers. Kat soon merges with both Dusty and Xii to form a giant Gryphon that summons countless Dusty and Xii clones to destroy the giant beast. The guardians join Kat as she heads to the bottom of the world to seal the Darkness away, with Dusty staying behind, and Xii returning to Hekseville. A year later, as Raven is out patrolling the city, she hears a familiar cry. Believing it to be Dusty, she frantically searches for him as she begins to question her grip on reality. His return is ambiguously confirmed given Raven’s reaction to one final cry.

Антигрека, антирак

Если вы впервые слышите словосочетание Gravity Rush, то напомним основные тезисы. В основе игры лежит сильно упрощенная механика слэшера — то есть нечто вроде Bayonetta или, скажем, Devil May Cry, только без сложносочиненных комбо, без выворачивающего мозг дерева прокачки и без заигрываний с холодным и огнестрельным оружием.

• Сражаться на земле слегка удобней, чем в воздухе, но намного менее эффективно — здесь вас достанет любой из нэви.

Взамен обрезанной боевой системе Тояма предлагает настоящий гравитационный цирк. Точнее, антигравитационный. Главная героиня, Кэт, умеет управлять притяжением. Практически в любой момент она может, словно в опыте «Гроб Магомета», воспарить над поверхностью, потом отправиться в свободный полет, а при необходимости еще раз наплевать на законы физики и сделать полом любую ровную поверхность — например, стену или потолок.

• Кэт умеет хватать гравитационным полем предметы и швырять ими во врагов. К сожалению, мусора вокруг крайне мало и покидаться вволю нам не дают.

Когда Тояма впервые намекнул, что в игре будут фокусы с притяжением, воображение рисовало фантастические картины. Необычные логические задачки, связанные с изменением гравитации, сражения с противниками, проходящие на стенах зданий, а то и вовсе вниз головой, какие-то хитрые боевые приемы, завязанные на необычной интерпретации формулы Е=mc2. Реальность, увы, оказалась куда скучнее.


Gravity Rush Edit

Zaza and his adoptive sister, Sachya, were among the children aboard the bus that fell off the cliff of Hekseville and ended up in an abandoned village far below Hekseville. As the oldest child among them, he took on a role of responsibility and became the children’s leader. Not wanting to break their hearts, Zaza lied and led them to believe that their parents were coming to save them.

At one point, he «let» Sachya go, and she was able to get back to Hekseville. Because time functions slowly below the World Pillar, years had already passed in Hekseville while less time passed for the children in Boutoume; Zaza and the others remained young while his sister aged. Sachya became a Shifter and changed her identity to Raven. Zaza no longer recognized her, and she never reintroduced herself.

When Kat fell down the World Pillar and landed in their village, the children captured her and put her in a cage. Zaza was initially hostile with the uncooperative stranger, until she saved them from waves of Nevi. Later, Raven returned and helped fend off a giant Nevi called Nushi. Kat managed to activate the Ark, and they all escaped Boutoume. However, Nushi came again and attacked them which caused Kat to fall off into the unknown, while Raven and the others continued their course.

At the end of Gravity Rush, he and the rest of the children in the Ark made it back to Hekseville, thanks to Kat and Gade combining their powers. But, the Ark still had them in a hibernation state that was meant to protect them through the rift plane that brought them back.

Gravity Rush 2: Raven’s Choice Edit

As Dr. Brahman attempted to unseal the Ark to awaken the children inside, space-time was torn asunder. Raven was sent to The Labyrinth as Sachya to recover her memories, after which she had to protect an illusion of Zaza from some mysterious entities known as the Collectors. Through the repairs made to time and space, and Raven’s decision to remove Sachya from the timeline to prevent the bus crash, he has been able to live a normal life thanks to the changes in history.

Zaza now has two grandchildren, one of whom was named after himself, the other he named after an imaginary friend he had; this imaginary friend turned out to be Sachya, who was no longer a part of his childhood life. Meeting his grandchildren affected Raven emotionally, but she was not not sure why.

Premium Talismans (Mining) Edit

Mining Site No. 0 Jewel Edit

Condition: Obtain by completing the «Strange Gravitational Phenomena» event at Mining Site No.0

  • Dodge Enhancer
  • Dodge Enhancer

Candle Zone Jewel Edit

Condition: Obtain by completing the «Strange Gravitational Phenomena» event at the Candle Zone

  • Offender (Cannot be stacked)
  • Abrasive (Cannot be stacked)

Enchanted Zone Jewel Edit

Condition: Obtain by completing the «Strange Gravitational Phenomena» event at the Enchanted Zone

  • Defender (Cannot be stacked)
  • Gem Attractor

Mining Site No. 13 Jewel Edit

Condition: Obtain by completing the «Strange Gravitational Phenomena» event at Mining Site No.13

  • Recovery
  • Recovery

Toflug Reef Jewel Edit

Condition: Obtain by completing the «Strange Gravitational Phenomena» event at Toflug Reef

  • Dodge Enhancer
  • Unbreakable

Condition: Obtain by completing the 5th layer in the Delvool Trench Mine

  • Wormhole Enhancer
  • Wormhole Enhancer

Second Step Talisman Edit

Condition: Obtain by completing the 10th layer in the Delvool Trench Mine

  • SP Multiplier
  • Booster (Cannot be stacked)

Condition: Obtain by completing the 15th layer in the Delvool Trench Mine

  • Life Extender
  • Life Extender

Fourth Step Talisman Edit

Condition: Obtain by completing the 20th layer in the Delvool Trench Mine

  • Enhancer (Cannot be stacked)
  • Enhancer (Cannot be stacked)
  • Enhancer (Cannot be stacked)

Fifth Step Talisman Edit

Condition: Obtain by completing the 25th layer in the Delvool Trench Mine

  • Enhancer (Cannot be stacked)
  • Enhancer (Cannot be stacked)
  • Enhancer (Cannot be stacked)

Sixth Step Talisman Edit

Condition: Obtain by completing the 26th layer in the Delvool Trench Mine

  • Enhancer (Cannot be stacked)
  • Absorber

Seventh Step Talisman Edit

Condition: Obtain by completing the 27th layer in the Delvool Trench Mine

  • High-Rate SP (Cannot be stacked)
  • Destroyer (Cannot be stacked)

Eighth Step Talisman Edit

Condition: Obtain by completing the 28th layer in the Delvool Trench Mine

  • Drain
  • Offender (Cannot be stacked)

Condition: Obtain by completing the 29th layer in the Delvool Trench Mine

  • Power Extender
  • Auto-Healer

Condition: Obtain by completing the 30th layer in the Delvool Trench Mine

  • Drain
  • Offender (Cannot be stacked)

Auldnoir (Old Town)Edit

Main Game Edit

In the town of Auldnoir, there are five challenges available after unlocking all areas of the town. The fountain, factory, drawbridge, and two lifts all need to be restarted to access them.

Various challenge missions in Auldnoir

Auldnoir Energy Race Edit

Your gravity gauge is empty. Grab gems to fill it and make your way to the goal!

  • Facility: Auldnoir’s Lift I
  • Toll: 10 gems
  • Type: Checkpoint Race (no energy)
  • Reward: 600 gems

Auldnoir Free RaceEdit

Pass through every checkpoint and complete the race! Use every gravity trick at your disposal to win.

  • Facility: Auldnoir’s Drawbridge
  • Toll: 10 gems
  • Type: Checkpoint Race
  • Reward: 600 gems

Auldnoir Throwing Challenge Edit

Defeat as many Nevi as possible using only gravity throws! Grab objects by pressing with O, and then press O again to throw them at the Nevi.

  • Facility: Auldnoir’ Factory
  • Toll: 10 gems
  • Type: Score Attack (Stasis only)
  • Reward: 600 gems

Auldnoir Sliding Race Edit

Complete the race using only your gravity slide! Slide your way through town to reach the goal.

  • Facility: Auldnoir’s Lift II
  • Toll: 20 gems
  • Type: Checkpoint Race (Sliding only)
  • Rewards: 900 gems

Auldnoir Time Attack Edit

Defeat as many Nevi as possible within the time limit! Increase the time limit by defeating enemies.

  • Facility: Auldnoir’s Fountain
  • Toll: 7 gems
  • Type: Score Attack
  • Rewards: 600 gems

Maid Pack Challenges (DLC only) Edit

Auldnoir Free Race II Edit

Pass through every checkpoint and complete the race!

  • Requirement: Finish Episode 6.
  • Toll: None
  • Type: Checkpoint Race
  • Reward: 900 gems

Rift Plane Unlimited Power Attack Edit

With an unlimited gravity gauge and access to special powers, defeat as many Nevi as possible within the time limit!

  • Requirement: Finish Episode 6.
  • Toll: None
  • Type: Score Attack (unlimited specials)
  • Reward: 900 gems


One day, Newt and his classmates laughed at Echo for something she did or said. Not knowing that Newt actually liked her, as he was too scared to admit he liked her around his classmates, this caused her to run off somewhere unknown. He searched for her but could not find here. The next day, he had went to the school uniform store, possibly to see if she had stopped there or would be there.

Having bumped into Kat after coming out the store, nearly knocking her over, Newt caught her and apologized. After flattering and complementing her, he asked her if she could help him find his best friend, Echo. When she accepted, Newt hugged Kat which in turn established a crush she developed for him. Shortly after, Kat and Newt split up to look for Echo. The information he gathered from the locals led him back to the school. Kat eventually caught up, and Newt decided they should split up again, but she convinced him it would be better to look from a high building. When they still could not find Echo, Kat took him to a higher building to search from above which led them to finding a girl name Maye; she was also looking for Echo. Maye told them that she was told that Echo was seen in the abandoned Student Center.

Once Kat and Newt found Echo hiding in the abandoned Student Center, she acted very weird and overprotective of her bag when Newt tried to approach her. Shortly, a Nevi had jumped out of the bag, and to Echo’s and the others’ surprise, engulfed her from her waist to her feet. After being weakened by Kat, the infested and transformed Echo proclaimed how hurt she was for Newt laughing at her. Once he heard that, Newt ensured her that he was not in-fact laughing at her but that he was laughing because he liked her.

Sooner or later Kat defeated the Nevi infested Echo, and Echo felt remorse after the Nevi disappeared, claiming it was only trying to protect her. Newt then comforted her, telling her that she is not alone anymore—that she has him now—reminding her of how she protected him when he almost fell off a tree and that he missed hanging out with her, not caring what other people thought about them. Following that, he stated to her how it was now his turn to look out for her.

After returning to Hekseville from Boutoume, Newt and Echo are seen in one of Vendecentre’s many plazas. They told Kat about the new and forced military training exercises that were part of the school curriculum.

Gravity Rush 2Edit

Three years later, Newt is a teacher at Arquebus Academy and married to a pregnant Echo. In «Alone Again», they were seen in front of Pandora’s Fortunes wherein they told Kat how Pandora gave their baby a name—it being Alua.

Newt is seen again during the side mission «Forbidden Games» in which he had been working guard duty for the past few days in order to get down to the bottom of suspicious after school activities that students were having and a girl who had dropped out of school. He asked for Kat’s help as he knew students would not tell a «teacher» any related details of the events that were happening. He gave Kat a spare uniform that he had. After Kat gathered information on what was going on around the school and informing him about it, they went to Pandora’s Fortunes to obtain the whereabouts of the activities. Thereafter, he asked Kat if she could take care of this, as being being seen with Kat would put the students on their guard. Eventually, Kat found the area where the students were having their gatherings, as well as Echo and Newt later on. Newt cleared up the misconception behind «the man’s voice» that the students heard in the dark chanting «Choe», and then dismissed them.

Characteristics Edit

Appearance Edit

Dusty appears to resemble a starry night sky that has taken a physical shape. Of course, he takes the shape of a cat. When he radiates gravity energy, two bright red «stars» glow (see above image) brighter than all others, giving these the appearance of a pair of eyes.

Abilities Edit

As a guardian, Dusty grants the power to shift gravity to his owner. His power allows his owner to float and «fall» through the sky, use special attacks, and throw objects with a Stasis Field. When Kat powers up enough, Dusty gains the ability to transform into a panther for a limited time, letting Kat bound quickly through the air and do massive amounts of damage.

It’s shown that Dusty’s true form is actually the Gryphon Guardian, which was split in half into Dusty and Xii. They have the ability to merge into a new, far more powerful form that can shoot out countless clones of the two smaller Guardians. Its full power is used by Kat to defeat the Destructive Force. 

Geography Edit

At its base lies the village of Boutoume, the city at the edge of the world. It is built among the World Pillar’s roots, which hang from the ceiling of a massive egg-like «seed,» its broken shell exposing it to the abyss outside. A few days in Boutoume is actually one year in Hekseville time.

Some way up the Pillar can be found the city of Hekseville. Additionally, the city of Jirga Para Lhao exists somewhere at approximately the same «altitude.» Here, time flows at a normal rate, relatively speaking. Despite Kat spending a few days in Jirga Para Lhao, three years have passed in Hekseville.

At the top of the Pillar is located the kingdom of Eto, from which Kat, there known as Queen Alua, hails. There, time flows at such a rate that one hundred years elapsed during the events of Gravity Rush and Gravity Rush 2.

Pleajeune (Entertainment District) Edit

Main Game Edit

In the town of Pleajeune, there are four challenges available after unlocking all areas of the town. The Underground Shutters, Pleajeune’s Main Street, Arquebus Academy’s Foundation, and the Ferris Wheel need to be restarted in order to access these challenges.

Various challenge missions in Pleajeune

Pleajeune Energy Race Edit

Your gravity gauge is empty. Grab gems to fill it and make your way to the goal!

  • Facility: Pleajeune’s Ferris Wheel
  • Toll: 20 gems
  • Type: Checkpoint Race (no energy)
  • Rewards: 1,200 gems

Pleajeune Sliding Race Edit

Complete the race using only your gravity slide! Slide your way through town to reach the goal.

  • Facility: Pleajeune’s Fountain
  • Toll: 20 gems
  • Type: Checkpoint Race (Sliding only)
  • Rewards: 900 gems

Pleajeune Taxi Trial Edit

The Nevi are invading! Help evacuate citizens by grabbing them with O and leading them to the exit (pictured above). But be careful: Nevi attacks will cause you to drop anyone you’re carrying!

  • Facility: Pleajeune’s Underground Shutters
  • Toll: 20 gems
  • Type: Transportation
  • Rewards: 900 gems

Pleajeune Time Attack Edit

Defeat as many Nevi as possible within the time limit! Increase the time limit by defeating enemies.

  • Facility: Pleajeune’s Main Street
  • Toll: 20 gems
  • Type: Score Attack
  • Rewards: 900 gems

Spy Pack Challenges (DLC only) Edit

Pleajeune Throwing Challenge Edit

Defeat as many Nevi as possible using only gravity throws! Grab objects with O, and then press O again to throw them at the Nevi.

  • Requirement: Finish Episode 6
  • Gem Toll: None
  • Type: Score Attack (Stasis only)
  • Reward: 1,500 gems

Rift Plane Health Race Edit

Your health gauge is almost empty. Duck and weave through the lava and Nevi to reach the finish. Bust objects with the gravity kick to get a speed boost.

  • Requirement: Finish Episode 8
  • Toll: None
  • Type: Checkpoint Race (low health)
  • Reward: 1,500 gems


First Battle:

Nushi will fly around within Boutoume. While it is flying, you cannot hurt it, so just try to stay close and avoid the gravity balls that it shoots at you. Every once in a while it will take a break to stop and shoot. During this time, a weak spot will appear right behind its head. Attack it during this time. After this it will repeat this process. After taking down its health it will appear dead but then come back. This time Raven comes to help, and will set up traps. As Kat you will need to distract it and wait for Raven to call you over. Once she does, go to the marker and Raven will drop a trap on Nushi, hitting its weak spot and doing a lot of damage. Repeat this until you beat it.

Second Battle:

After waking up from a dream that gave Kat the power to see with her «mind’s eye,» she can now see several weak spots on the back of Nushi that weren’t there in the first battle. This is fairly straight forward as all you need to do is attack the weak spots on its back. After destroying all of these, you will be able to attack the one on the back of its head, but again, only when it stops to do its big attack. Defeat it and then you’ll trigger another cutscene.

Endestria (Factory District) Edit

Main Game Edit

In the town of Endestria, there are four challenges available after unlocking all areas of the town. The Smoke Stacks, Storm Shield, Warning Beacon, and Power Generator all need to be reactivated in order to play these challenges.

Various challenge missions in Endestria

Endestria Free Race I Edit

Pass through every checkpoint and complete the race! Use every gravity trick at your disposal to win.

  • Facility: Endestria’s Smoke Stacks
  • Toll: 30 gems
  • Type: Checkpoint Race
  • Rewards: 1,200 gems

Endestria Free Race II Edit

Pass through every checkpoint and complete the race! Use every gravity trick at your disposal to win.

  • Facility: Endestria’s Storm Shields
  • Toll: 30 gems
  • Type: Checkpoint Race
  • Rewards: 1,200 gems

Endestria Energy Race Edit

Your gravity gauge is empty. Grab gems to fill it and make your way to the goal!

  • Facility: Endestria’s Warning Beacon
  • Toll: 40 gems
  • Type: Checkpoint Race (no energy)
  • Rewards: 1,500 gems

Endestria Time Attack Edit

Defeat as many Nevi as possible within the time limit! Increase the time limit by defeating enemies.

  • Facility: Endestria’s Power Generator
  • Toll: 40 gems
  • Type: Score Attack
  • Rewards: 1,500 gems

Special Forces Pack Challenges (DLC only) Edit

Endestria Energy Race II Edit

Your gravity gauge is empty. Grab gems to fill it and make your way to the goal!

  • Requirement: Finish Episode 8
  • Toll: None
  • Type: Checkpoint Race (no energy)
  • Rewards: 2,100 gems

Rift Plane Sliding Race Edit

Complete the race using only your gravity slide! If you release L2 or R2 while turning, you can drift. Press X to jump.

  • Requirement: Finish Episode 11
  • Toll: None
  • Type: Checkpoint Race (sliding only)
  • Rewards: 2,100 gems


Artwork of Yunica

Yunica in her cloak

A masked Yunica as she appears in Gravity Rush 2

Yunica’s Spy Costume (only in Destiny of Spirits)

Yunica alongside with Permet and others.

Add a photo to this gallery

Characters in the Gravity Rush series
Gravity Rush Adreaux · Alias · Aki · Aujean · Bolsey · Bulbosa · Chaz · Cyanea· D’nelica · Echo · Eugie · Gade · Kat · Melda · Nala · Newt · Pandora · Permet · Raven · Sacyha · Singlor · Syd · Yunica · Yuri Gerneaux · Zaza
Another Story — Raven’s Choice Bit · Cyanea · Dr. Brahman · Gade · Kat · Lumino · Raven · Sacyha· Tenebria · Zaza
Gravity Rush 2 Adreaux · Alias · Aki · Aula · Aujean · Bit · Bulbosa · Cai · Cecie · Chaz · Cyanea· D’nelica · Dr. Brahman · Durga Angel · Echo · Eugie · Fi · Gade · Gawan · Kali Angel · Kat · Lisa· Misai · Newt · Pandora · Permet · Raven · Sacyha · Syd · The Other · Vogo · Xicero · Yunica · Yuri Gerneaux

Relationships Edit

Sachya/Raven Edit

Zaza’s family adopted Sachya and raised her. Zaza himself treated Sachya with tenderness. Her disappearance many years ago left him feeling guilty that he was not able to protect her. When she returned later as Raven, Zaza did not recognize her, and she never told him who she truly is. This is why Raven always looks sad whenever «Sachya» is brought up in a conversation.

Kat Edit

Zaza is initially hostile towards Kat, seeing her as nothing more than a trespasser. He isn’t too happy to see that she escaped from her cage, but he warms up to her when she saves their village from a Nevi intrusion. Now that he knows he can trust Kat, he is able to open up to Kat about both what life is like at the bottom of the world, and the reality of their situation. Upon activating the Ark however, he is still wary of her in case she is giving the children false hope.

Military DLC Pack

Icon Name Description Trophy Type
New Recruit Obtained the Special Forces costume. Bronze
The Rules of War Completed The Rules of War. Bronze
The Phantom of Bravery Completed The Phantom of Bravery. Bronze
Apprentice Plumber Earned a silver medal or better in Endestria Energy Race II. Bronze
World-Class Plumber Earned a gold medal in Endestria Energy Race II. Silver
Mushroom Slider Earned a silver medal or better in the Rift Plane Sliding Race. Bronze
Truffle Slider Earned a gold medal in the Rift Plane Sliding Race. Silver
Special Forces Cleared every mission and challenge mission in the Special Forces Pack. Silver

Characteristics Edit

Appearance Edit

Xicero is pretty tall, dark-skinned elderly man with a long white moustache and split beard. He is also completely bald. As for his attire, he wears a long white robe, with head and shoulder decoration that seems typical of Eto residents.

Personality Edit

Xicero doesn’t get very much screen time before he dies, but from what little screen time he did have, he seemed to have a calm demeanour, particularly towards Queen Alua, though this was most likely out of obligation due to being one of her royal servants. He is shown to be remorseful over his actions a century prior that kicked off the series, and he was willing to make amends for his misdeeds.

A hundred years ago however, he was perfectly willing to turn on his peers when their ideals clash with his own. This is demonstrated by shoving Queen Alua off of a narrow walkway for being a weak leader, and stabbing Syd in the back for trying rescue her. It is not known if he was like this towards anyone else, however.

Trivia Edit

  • According to Singlor, the World Pillar is slowly being pulled towards the massive gravity storm at its base, which is actually a black hole comprising The Darkness. The storm is not actually moving at all. This also explains the time dilation effect, since the immense gravity of a black hole will make time pass slower the closer one gets to it.
  • The World Pillar is much safer to approach in Gravity Rush 2, allowing Kat to get right up close to it without risk. Instead, when Kat gets close to the World Pillar, any music that is playing will fade into silence, the only sounds being present are ambient sound effects.

Gravity Rush™ 2

Jeu complet

2334 classifications

À partir du 19 juillet 2018, vous ne pourrez plus utiliser les fonctionnalités en ligne suivantes pour ce jeu :·         Lancer/recevoir des défis·         Accéder au classement·         Recevoir/poster des indices sur les trésors·         Recevoir/poster/revoir des photos de fantôme·         Obtenir des Jetons de poussière ou les recevoir en récompenseMETTEZ VOTRE MONDE SENS DESSUS DESSOUS… À NOUVEAUContrôlez une puissante force de gravité, alors que Kat affronte un nouveau danger qui menace de révéler la structure de l’univers.Aux côtés de votre ancienne rivale, Raven, faites la lumière sur les secrets des étranges ondes gravitationnelles qui balaient Hekseville… alors que s’approche une tempête gravitationnelle à une échelle sans précédent.Découvrez de nouvelles façons de jouer avec la gravité, modifiez sa force et sa direction pour sauver une métropole volante d’une destruction totale.LA GRAVITÉ ÉVOLUE• Choisissez rapidement l’un des trois styles de jeu pour débloquer des attaques spéciales.• Battez-vous aux côtés de Raven et profitez d’attaques en équipe.• Explorez un monde immense grouillant de vie, de missions et de mystères.• Osez explorer la Mine, où de précieuses récompenses seront trouvées et où seuls les plus courageux survivront. 1 joueurFonctionnalité de vibration DUALSHOCK4PAL HD 720p,1080i,1080pLe téléchargement de ce produit est soumis aux Conditions d’utilisation de PlayStation Network, ainsi qu’à toute autre condition spécifique à ce produit. Si vous n’acceptez pas ces conditions, ne téléchargez pas ce produit. Consultez les Conditions d’utilisation pour obtenir d’autres informations importantes. Frais de licence à usage unique pour télécharger vers plusieurs systèmes PS4. La connexion à PlayStation Network n’est pas requise pour utiliser cette licence sur votre PS4 principale ; elle l’est en revanche pour une utilisation sur d’autres systèmes PS4.Consultez les «Avertissements relatifs à la santé» avant d’utiliser ce produit pour y trouver des informations importantes.La licence de la bibliothèque de programmes Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. est la propriété exclusive de Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Soumis aux conditions d’utilisation des logiciels. Pour consulter les droits d’utilisation complets, rendez-vous sur Rush2 2017 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Developed by Japan Studio. “Gravity Rush” is a trademark or a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. All rights reserved.

Vendecentre (Downtown) Edit

In the town of Vendecentre, there are five challenges available after unlocking all areas of the town. The can only be played once the Video Displays, Ropeway, Dock Generator, and 2 Train Stations are up and running.

Various challenge missions in Vendecentre

Vendecentre Sweeper Trial Edit

Grab objects with O and then press O again to throw them into the goal zone. If you miss the goal area, the objects will break and won’t be counted towards your score.

  • Facility: Vendecentre’s Video Displays
  • Toll: 60 gems
  • Type: Transportation
  • Rewards: 2,100 gems

Vendecentre Sliding Race Edit

Description: Complete the race using only your gravity slide! Slide your way through town to reach the goal.

  • Facility: Vendecentre’s Train Station
  • Toll: 60 gems
  • Type: Checkpoint Race (sliding only)
  • Rewards: 2,100 gems

Vendecentre Airboat Race Edit

Make your way from airboat to airboat as you race toward the goal! Be careful not to let any of the moving checkpoints slip by along the way.

  • Facility: Vendecentre’s Dock Generator
  • Toll: 60 gems
  • Type: Checkpoint Race (no energy)
  • Rewards: 2,100 gems

Vendecentre Free Race Edit

Pass through every checkpoint and complete the race! Use every gravity trick at your disposal to win.

  • Facility: Vendecentre’s Train System
  • Toll: 60 gems
  • Type: Checkpoint Race
  • Rewards: 2,100 gems

Vendecentre Time Attack Edit

Defeat as many Nevi as possible within the time limit! Increase the time limit by defeating enemies.

  • Facility: Vendecentre’s Ropeway
  • Toll: 60 gems
  • Type: Score Attack
  • Rewards: 2,100 gems
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