Бой на световых мечах

Notes and referencesEdit

  1. Coruscant and the Core Worlds, p. 104
  2. The Essential Atlas, p. 75
  3. The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons, p. 116
  4. Coruscant and the Core Worlds, p. 106
  5. Coruscant and the Core Worlds, p. 105
  6. The Essential Atlas, p. 226
  7. The Essential Atlas, p. 12
  8. The Essential Guide to Warfare, p. 22
  9. ↑ «CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:7:01 Edition»—Star Wars Insider 68, p. 69
  10. The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons, p. 117
  11. The Essential Guide to Warfare, p. 130
  12. The Essential Atlas, p. 205
  13. The Essential Guide to Warfare, p. 197
  14. The Essential Atlas, p. 119
  15. The Essential Atlas, p. 133
  16. Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Incredible Cross-Sections
  17. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  18. The Essential Guide to Warfare, p. 166
  19. The Essential Guide to Warfare, p. 98
  20. «CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 15:2:29 Edition»—Star Wars Insider 74, p. 67
  21. The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, p. 158
  22. Coruscant and the Core Worlds, p. 109
  23. The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, p. 157
  24. The Essential Guide to Warfare, p. 116
  25. The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons, p. 87
  26. Platt’s Starport Guide
  27. Star Wars: Empire at War
  28. «Slaying Dragons»—Star Wars Adventure Journal 9
  29. Hard Merchandise
  30. The Essential Chronology
  31. «Recon & Report: The Journey to Coruscant»—Star Wars Adventure Journal 2, p. 228
  32. Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption
  33. X-Wing: Iron Fist
  34. The Essential Guide to Warfare, p. 198
  35. The New Essential Chronology, p. 146
  36. The Essential Atlas, p. 200
  37. The New Essential Guide to Characters
  38. Legacy of the Force: Betrayal
  39. Legacy of the Force: Inferno
  40. Legacy Era Campaign Guide
  41. «Order 66: Destroy All Jedi»—Star Wars Insider 87, p. 34

In other languages

Plot summaryEdit

Episode 4ORDERS
Clone crisis! After the mysterious death of his
friend Tup, ARC trooper Fives embarked on an
investigation, which led to the discovery of a
hidden chip which is placed inside clone
troopers when they are still embryos. The
Kaminoan scientist Nala Se claims the chip is
harmless, and is meant to restrain the clones
from violent, unpredictable action. Fives claims
otherwise, and has convinced Jedi Master Shaak Ti
to allow him to plead his case directly to
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine on Coruscant....

The shuttle bearing clone trooper Fives, Jedi Master Shaak Ti and Kaminoan scientist Nala Se arrives at Coruscant. While Shaak Ti is not watching, Nala Se injects the sedated Fives with an unknown drug.

The shuttle lands at the Grand Republic Medical Facility, where they are met by Mas Amedda and escorted to meet the Chancellor. Fives pleads his case that the chips are part of a Separatist conspiracy that cause aggression in the clones, rather than inhibit it as Nala Se claims. Palpatine suggests that he discuss the matter with Fives alone, and Shaak Ti objects but he assures her he will be safe with his security guard. As they wait outside, Palpatine calls for help, and Shaak Ti rushes in to see Fives overpowering Palpatine’s guard and taking his rifle which he points at the Chancellor. She throws Fives aside with the Force and he flees from the room with Shaak Ti in pursuit. Palpatine rises calmly and hands the chips to Nala Se. Fives races though the center’s reception hall, and leaps through the blast doors as Shaak Ti orders them to be closed.

At the Jedi Temple, Shaak Ti tells the Jedi Council what has happened in a conference with Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu and Plo Koon. Skywalker cannot believe that Fives would try to assassinate the Chancellor, and finds it odd that the Jedi have not been asked to assist in the search for the rogue trooper. Windu suggests they investigate discreetly, and Skywalker volunteers to lead the investigation, as Fives will trust him and Captain Rex as his commanding officers in the 501st Legion.

Fives takes an air taxi driven by Jay Igno to the clone bar 79’s. He is unable to pay for the cab ride, and tells Igno to «bill it to the Republic», which amuses some drunken clone officers who accompany him inside and give him an officer’s cap. In the bar, Fives recognizes fellow 501st troopers Kix and Jesse. As a squad of shock troopers from the Coruscant Guard arrive and begin to check IDs, Fives approaches Kix in the bathroom and gives him coordinates to arrange a meeting with Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex. He evades the shock troopers and steals a Flitknot Speeder Bike to escape from the bar, but is followed by a probe droid to a warehouse on Level 1325 of an underworld portal.

Skywalker and Rex arrive at the warehouse after being given the coordinates by Kix. Fives asks them to put their weapons down, then activates a force field around them. He outlines the plot against the Jedi, to use the biochips in every clone to force them to kill their Jedi generals. Fives becomes angry that Skywalker and Rex don’t believe him, and insists the Chancellor is in on the plot, having told him in the medical bay that he had orchestrated it. Commander Fox and his troops enter the warehouse and order Fives to stand down, but he reaches for Rex’s pistols forcing Fox to shoot him. As he dies in Rex’s arms, Fives says the conspiracy is bigger than any of them and he only wanted to do his duty, but the mission and the nightmares are finally over.

In the Chancellor’s office, Palpatine tells Mace Windu and Yoda that his personal doctors have examined the «tumors» provided by Fives, and that Nala Se had missed the true cause of the clone troopers’ behavior: a parasite native to Ringo Vinda, for which an innoculation has been developed which will be administered to the clones.

At his palace on Serenno, Dooku acknowledges that he has received the biochips from Nala Se. As Darth Sidious, Palpatine tells Dooku to destroy the evidence so that no one can stop Order 66.


  • Red Harvest (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds (Picture only)
  • (Mentioned only)
  • Darth Plagueis (Mentioned only)
  • Darth Maul: Saboteur (Mentioned only)
  • Cloak of Deception (Mentioned only)
  • «The Way of the Warrior»—Star Wars Tales 18
  • Star Wars Adventures 5: The Shape-Shifter Strikes
  • Star Wars Adventures 6: The Warlords of Balmorra (Mentioned only)
  • Boba Fett: Maze of Deception (Mentioned only)
  • CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:7:01 Edition
  • CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 15:2:29 Edition (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars – «Holocron Heist» (Mentioned on Cato Parasitti’s armor and backpack only)
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars – «Lightsaber Lost» (Mentioned on holofeed announcement screen only)
  • Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel
  • Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader (Mentioned only)
  • Imperial Commando: 501st (Mentioned only)
  • «Extinction»—Star Wars Tales 1 (Mentioned only)
  • (Mentioned only)
  • Death Star (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars: Empire at War
  • Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption
  • Star Wars 13: Five Days of Sith, Part One
  •  Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided (Mentioned only)
  •   (Mentioned only)
  • «Galaxywide NewsNets»—Star Wars Adventure Journal 7
  • «Galaxywide NewsNets»—Star Wars Adventure Journal 10
  • Imperial Double-Cross (Mentioned only)
  • Rebel Force: Renegade (Mentioned only)
  • «Small Favors»—Star Wars Adventure Journal 12
  • «Slaying Dragons»—Star Wars Adventure Journal 9 (First appearance)
  •   (Mentioned only)
  • The Mandalorian Armor
  • Slave Ship
  • Hard Merchandise
  • A Credit for Your Thoughts (Mentioned only)
  • X-Wing: Rogue Squadron (Mentioned only)
  • X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble (Mentioned only)
  • X-Wing: Iron Fist
  • Hutt and Seek (Mentioned only)
  • Children of the Jedi (Mentioned only)
  • Specter of the Past (Mentioned only)
  • The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught (Mentioned only)
  • The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero’s Trial
  • The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse (Mentioned only)
  • The New Jedi Order: Balance Point (Mentioned only)
  • The New Jedi Order: Recovery (Mentioned only)
  • The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest (Mentioned only)
  • The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth (Mentioned only)
  • The New Jedi Order: Star by Star (Mentioned only)
  • The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey (Mentioned only)
  • The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream (Mentioned only)
  • The New Jedi Order: Destiny’s Way (Mentioned only)
  • The New Jedi Order: Ylesia (Mentioned only)
  • The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force (Mentioned only)
  • Legacy of the Force: Betrayal
  • Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines (Mentioned only)
  • Legacy of the Force: Exile (Mentioned only)
  • Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice (Mentioned only)
  • Legacy of the Force: Inferno
  • Legacy of the Force: Fury (Mentioned only)
  • Millennium Falcon (Mentioned only)
  • Fate of the Jedi: Outcast (Mentioned only)
  • Fate of the Jedi: Backlash (Mentioned only)
  • X-Wing: Mercy Kill (Mentioned only)
  • Legacy 49: Extremes, Part 2 (Mentioned only)

Модификации Править

LAAT/i ведёт бой с дроидами-истребителями «Стервятник».

Самая распространённая модель серии LAAT — LAAT/i, пехотный транспорт и мобильная орудийная платформа, которая использовалась на всём протяжении Войн клонов. LAAT/i могла доставить до 30 солдат-клонов на поле боя. Имея возможность перевезти такое количество солдат за раз, канонерки использовались для высадки войск первого эшелона, до того, как приземлятся большие десантные корабли. Различные модификации позволяли дополнительно перевозить военные спидеры или перемещать на поле боя более крупные военные машины, такие как шагоходы. Поздние версии LAAT/i лишились стрелковых шаров в передней части дверей, что позволило приспособить суда для высадки с орбитальных крейсеров без необходимости их входа в атмосферу. Это позволило ускорить высадку войск и сделать её более незаметной.

Использование LAAT продолжалось и в в эпоху Галактической гражданской войны. К примеру во время Восстания на Камино, когда клоны антиимперские-солдаты и каминоанцы попытались сбежать с планеты на эти транспортах. Они также в небольшом количестве использовались в войсках Альянса за восстановление Республики.


«The galaxy will run out of stars to visit before the Navy runs out of Lieutenants.»
―Aphmorism over Lieutenants during the Restoration period.

Oversight over the Republic Navy was handled by the Senate Naval Subcommittee whilst appropriations were dealt with by its Procurement Panel of the Senate Naval Subcommittee.

Mandalorian Wars/Jedi Civil WarEdit

Overall command of the Republic Navy was given to the Admiral of the Fleet, a political position chosen by the Defense Ministry from among the ranks of full Admirals. Charged with command of the millions of beings and trillions of tons of deadly force, it was a prestigious position for which many high-ranking officers jockeyed to attain.

Below the Admiral of the Fleet were the Core Worlds navies, each commanded by an Admiral of the Coreworlds. While technically in command of any ships within their sector of operation, this authority was rarely exercised except in cases of meddling in local politics. Such a position rarely saw action, and was usually the providence of elderly Admirals with no interest in commanding on the battlefront or positioning themselves to become the next Admiral of the Fleet.

Below them were the various Fleets commanded by Admirals, Vice Admirals and Rear Admirals. There was no set size for each fleet, with each admiral given command of a number of sectors along the battlefront with the authority to make broad strategic decisions. Captains were given command of individual capital ships, although smaller vessels were sometimes captained by Commanders.

Clone WarsEdit

«The Senate has agreed that all home defense fleets must now become part of the Republic Navy. That’s what we must do—centralize our forces.»
―Palpatine, to Anakin Skywalker

Part of the Open Circle Fleet

During the Clone Wars, the Republic Navy was divided into multiple fleets, each fleet representing the sum total of naval forces in a given sector. Each fleet varied in composition, in relation to the needs of their assigned battlespace, and could be combined to form provisional task forces as needed. Most officers, especially high-ranking officers, were not clones. The command structure of the Republic Navy was further broken down as follows:

Republic Navy: Consisting of hundreds of fleets, the Navy was under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief Supreme Chancellor Palpatine after the passage of the Security Act amendment.

Armada: An Armada was an administrative formation representing all forces allocated to a specific theater of war, generally numbering between 1,000 to 5,000 warships plus support units. It was commanded by a High Jedi General, such as a member of the Jedi High Council.

Fleet: A Fleet was commanded by a Fleet Admiral. It was generally composed of 3 to 6 Battle Groups numbering between 100 to 300 warships plus support units.

Battle Group: A Battle Group was commanded by an Admiral or Jedi General and consisted of 2 to 4 Squadrons. Numbering between 48 to 72 warships plus support units, a Battle Group was considered to have enough force to take all but the most heavily fortified enemy strongholds.

Squadron: A Squadron was commanded by a Commodore or Jedi General and consisted of 3 to 4 Sections, or roughly 12 to 36 warships, plus support units. Each Section was meant to compliment each other, such as a group of escorts providing a defensive screen for larger warships.

Section: A Section was usually commanded by the most senior Captain, unless there was a Jedi Commander present. The exact role of a Section determined how many ships it contained. Large warships, such as battleships and cruisers, operated in «lines» of 3 to 4 vessels. Smaller craft, such as corvettes, operated in «flotillas» of 6 to 12 vessels.

Element: The technical name given to a single ship, each ship was normally commanded by a Captain. Rarely was a Jedi Commander given command of a ship.

Notable FleetsEdit

  • Fifth Fleet
  • Galactic Republic Seventh Fleet
  • Galactic Republic Ninth Fleet
  • Open Circle Armada

    Fifth Fleet of the Open Circle Fleet

  • Katana fleet
  • Victory Fleet

Naval Starfighter CorpsEdit

Though there was a separate starfighter corps, the navy also maintained its own squadrons of starfighters onboard each warship. These fighters were meant for ship-to-ship combat as well as space fights. Although not named, Clone Pilots operated under this same concept.

Marines were the ship-to-ship assault and defense soldiers of the navy. Originally birth-born recruits and officers, during the Clone Wars they used specially trained clone troopers as marines to counter the droid marines of the Confederate Navy. This was most likely the basis for the Imperial Marines.


An LAAT/i in combat against Vulture droid starfighters.

The most common LAAT-series model was the LAAT/i, an infantry transport and mobile gun platform used throughout the Clone Wars. The LAAT/i could carry up to 30 clone troopers into combat, although they were also used to deploy recon scouts in advance of a battle. Variants were modified to carry additional military speeders or deploy larger war machines, such as walkers, onto the battlefield. Later versions of the LAAT/i replaced the door-side gunnery balls in favor of larger doors to maintain pressurization of the interior. This allowed the gunships to be dropped from an orbital cruiser and fly in space, rather than needing the cruiser to enter the atmosphere. This allowed for much faster and stealthier troop deployment.

In addition to the LAAT variants, there were several other gunship models that both pre- and post-dated them and were designated with similar acronyms. Most notable were the AIAT/i gunship, the VAAT/e transport, and the HAET-221 gunboat.

LAATs continued to be used well into the era of the Galactic Civil War; for example, during the Kamino uprising, where clone anti-Imperial troopers and Kaminoans attempted to escape the planet in these transports. It was also used in small numbers by the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a troop transport.



Солдат 68-го батальона

Солдаты 68-го батальона носили утяжелённую броню, которая могла защищать бойца от таких сильных воздействий, как высокие температуры или потоки кислоты. Также их костюмы были снабжены системой замкнутого цикла дыхания, на случай, если боец оказывался в месте слишком высокой концентрации вредных газов.

За месяц до битвы при Ииве, солдаты получили новую броню, но лишь половина батальона её сменила. Остальные же решили оставить старую. Во времена Галактической Империи, бойцы повторили своё решение не менять броню, что вызывало недовольство со стороны имперского командования.


68-й батальон использовал стандартные бластерные винтовки DC-15A и бластерные карабины DC-15S. Из тяжёлого вооружения использовались ракетная установка PLX-1 и вращающаяся бластерная пушка Z-6.

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«Unlike other worlds, holding Kuat’s ground is largely meaningless. It’s holding the shipyards that matter.»
―Military analyst Dasken Hobiv

Kuat was located near Balmorra and Neimoidia.

Kuat was the fourth planet from the star Kuat, located in the Kuat system of the Kuat sector in the Core Worlds region of the galaxy. Situated on a hyperlane that connected it to Raxxa and Balmorra and less than six parsecs away from Neimoidia, it was a green terrestrial world orbited by two moons named Bador and Ronay. A day on Kuat was 20 standard hours in length, and a year lasted 322 local days. Kuat had standard gravity and a breathable atmosphere, and at 10,000 kilometers in diameter, it was considered a small planet.

The surface of Kuat featured three continents and scattered islands, and most of the world’s terrain consisted of lush forests, rolling green plains, and carefully-groomed gardens. The planet had a temperate climate with a cool, wet winter and a warm, dry summer. Hostile animal life was nonexistent on Kuat, as terraformers had stocked the planet with inoffensive herbivores such as drebin, which provided compost for the world’s gardens. The introduced species did not overrun the planet due to short life spans and the presence of predators.

The Kuat Drive Yards orbital array encircled Kuat.

An industrial world and center of manufacturing that played a significant role in galactic shipbuilding, Kuat was the home of Kuat Drive Yards, whose shipyards and construction facilities were the most prominent feature of Kuat, encircling the planet in the shape of a large ring. Kuat was considered one of the most efficient shipyards in the galaxy, and its defenses were formidable, with protection provided by the Kuati Sector Forces and designs used for self-defense by Kuat Drive Yards. Kuat had an aristocratic government and exported luxury goods, alcohol, art, and food while importing electronics, machinery, and raw materials.

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  • «Приключения в Диком Пространстве: Спасение» (только упоминание)
  • «Звёздные войны. Дарт Вейдер, тёмный лорд ситхов 24: Крепость Вейдера, часть 6»
  • «Звёздные войны. Джедаи: Павший Орден»
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  • «Звёздные войны: Траун, часть 1» (только на обложке)
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  • «Байки из замка Вейдера 5: Ужас Дарта Вейдера»
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  • «Изгой-один. Звёздные войны: Истории»
  • Star Wars: Battle Pod
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  • «Звёздные войны 2: Скайуокер наносит удар, часть 2» (только на обложке)
  • «Звёздные войны 3: Скайуокер наносит удар, часть 3»
  • «Звёздные войны: Вторжение»
  • ВкратцеStar Wars Insider 161 (появление в воспоминаниях)
  • «Звёздные войны. Доктор Афра 2: Афра, часть 2»
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  • «Звёздные войны 39: Пепел Джеды, часть 2»
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  • «Звёздные войны. Цель: Вейдер, часть 3» (появление в воспоминаниях)
  • «Сумеречная рота»
  • ЭпилогЗвёздные войны: Господство Империи
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  • «Звёздные войны. Эпизод VI: Возвращение джедая»
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  • «Звёздные войны: Возвращение джедая»
  • «Возвращение джедая» (книга и CD)
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  •  Погоня за ответамиЗвёздные войны: Приключения 23 (Parts only)
  • «Звёздные войны: Раздробленная Империя, часть 3»
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  • «Последствия: Долг жизни»
  • Эскадрилья «Клинок»: КуатStar Wars Insider 168
  • «Последствия: Конец Империи»
  • «Звёздные войны: Мандалорец» — Глава 4
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  • «Звёздные войны. Эпизод VIII: Последние джедаи»
  • Роман «Звёздные войны: Последние джедаи»
  • Подростковый роман «Звёздные войны: Последние джедаи»
  • «Звёздные войны: Последние джедаи, часть 4» (в виде голограммы)
  • «Звёздные войны: Последние джедаи, часть 5»
  • Звёздные войны: СопротивлениеПобег
  • «Выбери свою судьбу: Приключение Финна и По»
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